jeudi, mars 15, 2007

Erasmus 20 Bday Party in the uni of Perpignan

During the afternoon, I attended Seminars about Erasmus policies & history. We watched a documentary made by French people called "Si moi en Suède" a play on words with their trip 6months in Sweden. It was a really fun movie about theirs lives in Orebro university..

Then we dined at the Resto U (duck with potatoes!!!). During the nite there was a concert of Gospel, my first one as far as I can remember. Pretty good. A Flamenco band played in live and we danced like hell with 2 of my former teachers and staff of the International Office!!

Today I met my former English Business Teacher : Mme Tee Anderson while I was having a beer in front the library. I must say I haven"t seen her since I left to Malaga the first year. Time flies!! we chatted for a while about our respectives lifes!! I was really happy to see her again.

I'm studying as much as I feel motivate since my Competition for the Embassy is in less than a fortnight !!!

I'll write you more when i'll be in Paris for a couple of days after my exams!!!

Cheers everyone !!

2 commentaires:

johnny a dit…

Je vois qu'on ne perd pas les bonnes habitudes de la fac ;)
La fac...Ca me semble a des années lumieres malheureusement!
Je te souhaite bonne chance pour les concours, et comment se passe ton permis de conduire au fait?
PS: j'ai crée un blog uniquement pour pouvoir commenter ton blog (merci google...grr...), donc ne commente pas mon blog, il sera vide!

See ya pal!

Unknown a dit…

Bonjour! Je te présente iErasmus Madrid, une page web où l'on tente de vous donner toute l'info utile pour un étudiant qui souhaite partir en Erasmus à Madrid. Donc si ça t'intéresse de participer à ce projet en partageant ton expérience, si tu veux coopérer en nous faisant un link (et réciproquement), tu es le ou la bienvenu(e)! Erasmus ça ne se voit pas, ça se vie, ça se sent. Aide- nous pour que d'autres puissent le vivre aussi. Merci!

David, Planeterasmus